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Volume 1

“The book gives a comprehensive picture of the evolution of the provisions of India’s Constitution. It is an article – wise analysis of the Constitution in light of the: (i) Constituent Assembly Debates (CAD) – where the Constituent Assembly Members questioned and challenged each other on the proposed Articles in the Draft Constitution from 1948 till January 1950 (ii) Draft Constitution (presented by the Drafting Committee for consideration by the Constituent Assembly on 4 Nov 1948) (iii) Lok Sabha Debates on Constitutional Amendments (iv) Important Supreme Court judgments The analysis of each of the Articles in the Constitution comprises of: (i) Overview – Author’s comment on the evolution of the Article (ii) Articles in the Constitution of India (iii) Corresponding Article in the Draft Constitution (iv) Relevant extracts from the CAD (v) Relevant extracts from the Lok Sabha Debates on Constitution Amendment Acts (vi) Essential extracts from Supreme Court judgments”


Volume 2

The book gives a comprehensive picture of the evolution of the provisions of India’s Constitution. It is an article – wise analysis of the Constitution in light of the: Constituent Assembly Debates (CAD) – where the Constituent Assembly Members questioned and challenged each other on the proposed Articles in the Draft Constitution from 1948 till January 1950 Draft Constitution (presented by the Drafting Committee for consideration by the Constituent Assembly on 4 Nov 1948) Lok Sabha Debates on Constitutional Amendments Important Supreme Court judgments The analysis of each of the Articles in the Constitution comprises of: Overview – Author’s comment on the evolution of the Article Articles in the Constitution of India Corresponding Article in the Draft Constitution Relevant extracts from the CAD Relevant extracts from the Lok Sabha Debates on Constitution Amendment Acts Essential extracts from Supreme Court judgments The Introduction in the book, divided into 2 parts, provides a brief account of the genesis of the Indian Constitution: Historical background Interpretation


Volume 3

The book gives a comprehensive picture of the evolution of the provisions of India’s Constitution. It is an article – wise analysis of the Constitution in light of the: Constituent Assembly Debates (CAD) – where the Constituent Assembly Members questioned and challenged each other on the proposed Articles in the Draft Constitution from 1948 till January 1950 Draft Constitution (presented by the Drafting Committee for consideration by the Constituent Assembly on 4 Nov 1948) Lok Sabha Debates on Constitutional Amendments Important Supreme Court judgments


Volume 4

Salient Features: • In this volume, the Article dealing with the Union Executive and the corresponding Article dealing with the State Executive as they stand presently have been dealt with together • Extracts of notable judgments have been set out in order to reveal the interpretation of the Court in relation to the Union and the State Executive • During the course of the Constituent Assembly Debates, in most cases, the philosophy and intent behind each Article stood revealed. The changes that these Articles underwent during these debates help in identifying the intent behind each of the Article. Essential extracts of the debates on each Article of the Draft Constitution have been included • The placement of the materials in this project has been decided carefully to allow the reader to follow the development and the evolution of a particular Article as it took place, through a reading of the original documents


Volume 5

INDIA’S CONSTITUTION –ORIGINS AND EVOLUTION (CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY DEBATES, LOK SABHA DEBATES ON CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS AND SUPREME COURT JUDGMENTS) VOL 5: Articles 79 to 122 & Articles 168 to 212 (Parliament and State Legislature) and Articles 123 & 213 (Legislative Powers of the President and Governor) The book gives a comprehensive picture of the evolution of the provisions of India’s Constitution. It is an article – wise analysis of the Constitution in light of the: (i) Constituent Assembly Debates (CAD) – where the Constituent Assembly Members questioned and challenged each other on the proposed Articles in the Draft Constitution from 1948 till January 1950 (ii) Draft Constitution (presented by the Drafting Committee for consideration by the Constituent Assembly on 4 Nov 1948) (iii) Lok Sabha Debates on Constitutional Amendments (iv) Important Supreme Court judgments The analysis of each of the Articles in the Constitution comprises of: (i) Overview – Author’s comment on the evolution of the Article (ii) Articles in the Constitution of India (iii) Corresponding Article in the Draft Constitution (iv) Relevant extracts from the CAD (v) Relevant extracts from the Lok Sabha Debates on Constitution Amendment Acts (vi) Essential extracts from Supreme Court judgments The Introduction in the book, divided into 2 parts, provides a brief account of the genesis of the Indian Constitution: (i) Historical background (ii) Interpretation Further to this, there is an introductory chapter on Constituent Assembly comprising of: i) Different Stages in the functioning of Assembly ii) Drafting Committee iii) List of members of Constituent Assembly Debates along-with the profile of few members whose speeches have been extracted in present volume. India’s Constitution –Origins and Evolution is the first ever book which provides a ready reference to Constituent Assembly Debates and the Constitution at one place. The analysis in the chapters provides a clear and interesting comparative picture as to how the constitution makers looked at the Constitution and how the Supreme Court has chosen to interpret it and how far both the visions are similar or dissimilar to each other. The book contains verbatim extracts from CAD, Lok Sabha Debates and Supreme Court judgments, thereby presenting facts in their true light. Intervention by the author is presented separately in the Overview. The book introduces contemporary reader to the legal greats of the freedom movement.

Volume 6 

INDIA’S CONSTITUTION –ORIGINS AND EVOLUTION (CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY DEBATES, LOK SABHA DEBATES ON CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS AND SUPREME COURT JUDGMENTS) VOL 6: Articles 124 to 151, 214, 215 & 221 (Union Judiciary, Contempt Jurisdiction, Comptroller & Auditor-General) S Pal India’s Constitution – Origins and Evolution is a multi-volume series providing exhaustive article-wise analysis of the Constitution of India. Volume 6 of the series covers Articles 124 to 151, 214, 215 & 221 on the Union Judiciary, Contempt Jurisdiction and Comptroller and Auditor-General of India. The overview on each Article comprises of author’s expert comments on the evolution of the constitutional provision in a nutshell. It consists of the extracts of the Constituent Assembly Debates, significant Supreme Court decisions and Parliamentary Debates on the Amending Acts. The introduction briefly explains the genesis & evolution of the Constitution and Reading the Book describes the unique treatment and arrangement in the series. The book is indispensable for Law practitioners; Judges – Supreme Court, High Courts & Trial Courts; Law Firms; National & State Judicial Academies; Court and Parliament Libraries; and Academicians & Research Scholars.

Volume 7

This series traces the evolution of each provision of the Constitution of India, in the light of the Constituent Assembly Debates, Lok Sabha Debates on Amendments and significant SC cases. It is the first ever book which presents each Article in a comparative perspective between the vision of the constitution makers and its interpretation by the Supreme Court. Volume 7 covers Articles 216 to 226 dealing with the High Courts in the States. The most critical judicial decisions that have shaped the writ jurisdiction of High Courts under Article 226 have been arranged under themes including: (i) Jurisdiction & Jurisdictional Fact; (ii) Maintainability; (iii) Substantive Procedural Principles; (iv) Natural Justice; (v) Rule of Law

Volume 8

This series traces the evolution of each provision of the Constitution of India, in the light of the Constituent Assembly Debates, Lok Sabha Debates on Amendments and significant Supreme court cases. It is the first ever book which presents each Article in a comparative perspective between the vision of the constitution makers and its interpretation by the Supreme Court. Volume 8 covers Articles 227 to 267.

Volume 9

Samaraditya Pal’s India’s Constitution – Origins and Evolution traces the evolution of each provision of the Constitution of India, in the light of the Constituent Assembly Debates, Lok Sabha Debates on Amendments and significant Supreme Court judgements. This book presents each Article in a comparative perspective between the vision of the drafters of the Constitution and most relevant interpretation by the Supreme Court. Coverage of Volume 9: This volume covers Articles 268 to 351 dealing with Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits; Trade, Commerce and Intercourse within the territory of India; Tribunals; Elections; and provisions on Official language. The book is indispensable for Law practitioners, Judges – Supreme Court, High Courts & Trial Courts, National & State Judicial Academies, Court and Parliament Libraries, Law Firms and Academicians & Research Scholars.

Volume 10

Samaraditya Pal’s India’s Constitution – Origins and Evolution traces the evolution of each provision of the Constitution of India, in the light of the Constituent Assembly Debates, Lok Sabha Debates on Amendments and significant Supreme Court judgements. This book presents each Article in a comparative perspective between the vision of the drafters of the Constitution and most relevant interpretation by the Supreme Court. This multi-volume series provides exhaustive Article – wise analysis of the Constitution of India. The overview on each Article comprises of author’s expert comments on the evolution of the constitutional provision in a nutshell. The introduction briefly explains the genesis & evolution of the Constitution and Reading the Book describes the unique treatment and arrangement of content. It also incorporates relevant verbatim extracts from Constituent Assembly Debates, Lok Sabha Debates and Apex judgements. Coverage of Volume 1: This volume covers Articles 352 to 395, dealing with Emergency Provisions; Amendments; Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions; and the 12 Schedules of the Constitution of India. The book is indispensable for Law practitioners, Judges – Supreme Court, High Courts & Trial Courts, National & State Judicial Academies, Court and Parliament Libraries, Law Firms and Academicians & Research Scholars.

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