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CLP’s Constitutional Law- New Challenges by Dr. GP Tripathi

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CLP’s The Transfer of Property Act by G P Tripathi

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Law Relating to Intellectual Property Rights comprehensively covers legal aspects governing IPRs. The book comprises analytical study of various branches of IPRs, such as Copyright Act, 1957; Designs Act, 2; Patents Act, 197; Trade Marks Act, 1999; Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999; Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act, 21; Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Design Act, 2; and law of confidential information including trade secrets. This book also covers concepts such as know-how and licences in detail. Key Features:- Updated with latest amendments and case law New chapter on Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Bio-diversity Written in a simple and lucid manner Provides analysis on various aspects of Intellectual Property Laws Features plethora of Indian and English cases making the book more useful for the readers Provides a summary of international treaties, conventions and agreements Includes amendments upto the Finance Act, 2017 This book is a must have for the students pursuing LL.B and LL.M. It will also be useful for the aspirants of Judicial Service Examinations and professionals working in the area of IPRs.

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